Saturday, October 12, 2019

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

#note.//I'm seven years behind. My sister probably watched this when it came out! So tight, but that is Wes. All the shots are beautiful. The performances are fable like. Magical.

So many A-list older actors:
Bruce Willis
Ed Norton
Frances McDormand
Bill Murray
Tilda Swinton

Time to follow: Jared Gilman (Sam) and Kara Hayward (Suzy), if they are on any streams.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Jafar Panahi's Taxi (2015)

#note.//It is shot in Tehran. Nasrin Sotoudeh makes an appearance.
He probes executions. I just heard sermon on Justice or is it Revenge and James Bond killing the villain. We want the bad guys not only to pay, but suffer for their crimes. That is revenge.

His niece is in it. With her typical hand gestures of that area! So cute.

Sotoudeh is radiant. The movie was released in 2015. In 2018 she was arrested again, and sentenced back to prison on 12-March-2019. She is 56 years old

Jafar Panahi is the driver.

Jafar Panahi is also the director!